The end of 2018, the start of 2019
In some ways this last year was rather productive, and in others it was slogging past a lot of issues, but I figure a good round up of the stuff that did happen, and the stuff that's to come would help quell and answer a lot of peoples questions given my absence from posting here (I'll admit though not hiding, more say trying to find the words. I've been easy to catch via my Discord though along with the others working with me, so if you ever want more direct up to date stuff poking there's becoming the best way!). So without much fanfair, lets start off with what all did get done:
Vampire Lust
The big project me and NoPenNameGirl got everyone excited over. It's been a year of development thus far, and while we're making good strides in content development, a few bugs kept me from putting out a demo like I hoped. I went over the AI script last time, and that's still being worked on. I've decided to simplfy just how the foes work to put less strain in it, but I'm still trying to make adjustments with the 'Range' element to make that feel like it's something more interactive then 'just there'. Sadly this brings up the point of 'Big fish in small pond', mostly alluring towards when something goes wrong, I tend to be the -the guy- in my circle who's there to fix it, so when something I'm doing goes wrong, it really does fall onto me to 'fix it', but when you're the one with the problem, seeing the 'fix' is a lot harder then anyone would like to admit. I tried to pass my work towards some other devs to see if they could take a hand at fixing it, but given the amount of help I've been doing for's as expected that didn't end up with too much gained at the end run. Still, the current objective is just to cut back and trim the AI till it stops breaking on itself, and once done with that, release what we do have towards the public at last. If nothing else though while you guys still wait, as showing of the other work we've been doing I can tease and demostrate the battle animations, more less show a few of the other cut-in attacks and status we've shown on the Discord here:
Thanks towards NoPenNameGirl recording that (as I honestly don't have much video editing experience!) for making this, we can at least show off some direct gameplay and how the animations for the game will be working.

We've also been developing the new attacks for the girls made directly for our game. Most of what we had shown off and done up till now was making use of their already pre-made movesets from Vampire Savior onwards. These though were of our own creation making use of the tools they have towards them. The last one is going to be one of my favs as much like QJ, this wax attack (Named WJ), can both be used on foes...

...and on allys! Nothing like removing other debuffs and giving someone some extra defence like coating them in gloopy thick waxing! (The discord loved this idea so much though, I ended up doing a silly corruption take towards it I might as well share here as well. Don't expect -this- to make it into the game, at least not anytime -soon-...)
I'll end this segment off with some animations for their second super as well:

Hopefully this bug fixing will not last too much longer, but it is what it is, and as they say, better a good game late, then a bad game early.
Other Matters
Now for all of the other stuff that wasn't my own game dev, as I've been doing quite a bit there. From helping KeiWaza with his own game and PC stuff, towards working on more translation stuff, I've been keeping myself busy in some sort or fashion. A fair amount I've been asked not to talk about or share till further along, but I can at least let you guys know about one translation project I've been working on that'll be due for DLSite within the next month or two! For those of you who like YuGiOh, a JP friend of mine from pixiv, Shiki, has been working on CG sets of the gals from such getting corrupted by an assortment of cards from the games in creative ways. Their most recent series in development in turn takes this towards 11 as they have been taking suggestions from their fans for this newest collection of 30+ corruptions. I got to be part of the idea crafting, more less as the corruptions star their own custom cards at that, I figured I'd take a hand to translate them as well for a future US DLSite release!

So instead of getting cards like this...

...You get cards like this! I still need to adjust font sizes on a few of these, and do some last grammar/spelling passes, but overall about 40~ cards will be translated from JP -> EN using the 2018 YuGiOh formatting for card ability's and functions. I hope you all can look forward towards this one!
We've had a lot of chatter about bringing back Egg Assault, and thus far nothing's directly come out from such (We all agree that pushing VL out first is more important), but just as a small cliffnote of what's been discussed:
-We'll chances are drop the setting we had before hand. Eggman as a direct villain just limited a lot of what could be done for others, and was always more Croc's theme then anything else. We'll chances are make something a bit more open ended, much like how Codename:Progressive was being presented so long ago, and work with that.
-We'll chances are still have other gaming gals be involved, but there will be more OC's this time around.
-It'll chances are be a more sexual focused, then fetish focused take on things.
-It'll still have the core gameplay of "Make a team from a list, try to live as long as possible to earn points to make the next run go better", but you'll have an option to choose different 'tracks' for selective fetish concepts and ideas, instead of needing to get so far into the wave to start seeing the stuff you -want- to see.
The Discord's been bringing in a lot of artist and concepts where I think starting a Booru might be in order to help catalog and keep it all together. I'm just unsure if such an idea would be wise or not, as I can't say I've looked much into hosting/taking care of one yet, but it's something sitting on the table waiting for input.
Lastly, I do have...ONE gift to give, even if it's hyper late, and still rather buggy! I found what might as well be the last build of Codename:Progressive ever to be made. It's got some stuff in there that's still not working right, and the menu's going to break and fall apart, and battles are going to crash and the like. All showings of why I eventually dropped XP as I was trying to do too much within the limited systems, but here we go! I'll update the core post with this link soon enough, but I figured a lot would appreciate this little snippit when I was checking thumbdrives and happened to find this little relic. So happy holidays, Happy New Years, and let's see how well 2019 goes!
Vampire Lust
The big project me and NoPenNameGirl got everyone excited over. It's been a year of development thus far, and while we're making good strides in content development, a few bugs kept me from putting out a demo like I hoped. I went over the AI script last time, and that's still being worked on. I've decided to simplfy just how the foes work to put less strain in it, but I'm still trying to make adjustments with the 'Range' element to make that feel like it's something more interactive then 'just there'. Sadly this brings up the point of 'Big fish in small pond', mostly alluring towards when something goes wrong, I tend to be the -the guy- in my circle who's there to fix it, so when something I'm doing goes wrong, it really does fall onto me to 'fix it', but when you're the one with the problem, seeing the 'fix' is a lot harder then anyone would like to admit. I tried to pass my work towards some other devs to see if they could take a hand at fixing it, but given the amount of help I've been doing for's as expected that didn't end up with too much gained at the end run. Still, the current objective is just to cut back and trim the AI till it stops breaking on itself, and once done with that, release what we do have towards the public at last. If nothing else though while you guys still wait, as showing of the other work we've been doing I can tease and demostrate the battle animations, more less show a few of the other cut-in attacks and status we've shown on the Discord here:
Thanks towards NoPenNameGirl recording that (as I honestly don't have much video editing experience!) for making this, we can at least show off some direct gameplay and how the animations for the game will be working.

We've also been developing the new attacks for the girls made directly for our game. Most of what we had shown off and done up till now was making use of their already pre-made movesets from Vampire Savior onwards. These though were of our own creation making use of the tools they have towards them. The last one is going to be one of my favs as much like QJ, this wax attack (Named WJ), can both be used on foes...

...and on allys! Nothing like removing other debuffs and giving someone some extra defence like coating them in gloopy thick waxing! (The discord loved this idea so much though, I ended up doing a silly corruption take towards it I might as well share here as well. Don't expect -this- to make it into the game, at least not anytime -soon-...)

I'll end this segment off with some animations for their second super as well:

Hopefully this bug fixing will not last too much longer, but it is what it is, and as they say, better a good game late, then a bad game early.
Other Matters
Now for all of the other stuff that wasn't my own game dev, as I've been doing quite a bit there. From helping KeiWaza with his own game and PC stuff, towards working on more translation stuff, I've been keeping myself busy in some sort or fashion. A fair amount I've been asked not to talk about or share till further along, but I can at least let you guys know about one translation project I've been working on that'll be due for DLSite within the next month or two! For those of you who like YuGiOh, a JP friend of mine from pixiv, Shiki, has been working on CG sets of the gals from such getting corrupted by an assortment of cards from the games in creative ways. Their most recent series in development in turn takes this towards 11 as they have been taking suggestions from their fans for this newest collection of 30+ corruptions. I got to be part of the idea crafting, more less as the corruptions star their own custom cards at that, I figured I'd take a hand to translate them as well for a future US DLSite release!

So instead of getting cards like this...

...You get cards like this! I still need to adjust font sizes on a few of these, and do some last grammar/spelling passes, but overall about 40~ cards will be translated from JP -> EN using the 2018 YuGiOh formatting for card ability's and functions. I hope you all can look forward towards this one!
We've had a lot of chatter about bringing back Egg Assault, and thus far nothing's directly come out from such (We all agree that pushing VL out first is more important), but just as a small cliffnote of what's been discussed:
-We'll chances are drop the setting we had before hand. Eggman as a direct villain just limited a lot of what could be done for others, and was always more Croc's theme then anything else. We'll chances are make something a bit more open ended, much like how Codename:Progressive was being presented so long ago, and work with that.
-We'll chances are still have other gaming gals be involved, but there will be more OC's this time around.
-It'll chances are be a more sexual focused, then fetish focused take on things.
-It'll still have the core gameplay of "Make a team from a list, try to live as long as possible to earn points to make the next run go better", but you'll have an option to choose different 'tracks' for selective fetish concepts and ideas, instead of needing to get so far into the wave to start seeing the stuff you -want- to see.
The Discord's been bringing in a lot of artist and concepts where I think starting a Booru might be in order to help catalog and keep it all together. I'm just unsure if such an idea would be wise or not, as I can't say I've looked much into hosting/taking care of one yet, but it's something sitting on the table waiting for input.
Lastly, I do have...ONE gift to give, even if it's hyper late, and still rather buggy! I found what might as well be the last build of Codename:Progressive ever to be made. It's got some stuff in there that's still not working right, and the menu's going to break and fall apart, and battles are going to crash and the like. All showings of why I eventually dropped XP as I was trying to do too much within the limited systems, but here we go! I'll update the core post with this link soon enough, but I figured a lot would appreciate this little snippit when I was checking thumbdrives and happened to find this little relic. So happy holidays, Happy New Years, and let's see how well 2019 goes!