Teaser Update
On one hand I'm late on the update, and I do wish to say sorry for that.
...On the other hand...

...I want to tell you guys to keep waiting because Project: QB's going to be getting my desired expiation.
OK, the idea for Project: QB get's boiled down to this. It was going to ether be A) A game only about Q-Bee and her hive drones that would end up rather short, but full of goodness you guys expect from me writing and game mechanic wise, or B) something longer that would star a few other gals who end up getting strung along for the ride and you having to now rescue them + drones and keep them from falling towards the monster's wills.
As of today I can 100% say we are going with route B, and Roomi, from a little game called Galaxy Fight, will be one said female Co-Star. There's at least going to be one more, and depending on how the rest of the team feels, maybe more after the fact ( think of it as content patches after the full release ). This does mean that some things are going to be retooled, so this is one reason for the delay, but I hope to get SOMETHING out to you all soon enough!
If nothing else lots of people want to see Codename: Progressive in a more playable format. So what I MIGHT do is rebuild the first bits of Viola's area once more, make her stuff playable and the like. Or would you guys rather see Tyamet's area instead with the suits? There's also Rencat's team that I never got to show off as playable before hand, and it's far more team oriented.
...On the other hand...

...I want to tell you guys to keep waiting because Project: QB's going to be getting my desired expiation.
OK, the idea for Project: QB get's boiled down to this. It was going to ether be A) A game only about Q-Bee and her hive drones that would end up rather short, but full of goodness you guys expect from me writing and game mechanic wise, or B) something longer that would star a few other gals who end up getting strung along for the ride and you having to now rescue them + drones and keep them from falling towards the monster's wills.
As of today I can 100% say we are going with route B, and Roomi, from a little game called Galaxy Fight, will be one said female Co-Star. There's at least going to be one more, and depending on how the rest of the team feels, maybe more after the fact ( think of it as content patches after the full release ). This does mean that some things are going to be retooled, so this is one reason for the delay, but I hope to get SOMETHING out to you all soon enough!
If nothing else lots of people want to see Codename: Progressive in a more playable format. So what I MIGHT do is rebuild the first bits of Viola's area once more, make her stuff playable and the like. Or would you guys rather see Tyamet's area instead with the suits? There's also Rencat's team that I never got to show off as playable before hand, and it's far more team oriented.
Topic : Hentai game
Genre : AdultContents