Welcome back towards your normally lewd updates

It's been a long time coming, but HEROINE HUNTING is at last for sale!
It's pretty big news given the fact that I'm the one who ended up translating this game from Japanese -> English. If you're a fan of mo2's sprite animation and the like, it's worth a pick up for sure! I can only hope my translation can make it worth picking up as well if nothing else!
Onto other matters:

We are at last getting the 'Queen' Q-Bee images done and done! More less working with the MV environment in turn! Sadly I don't have much to show directly, as it's mostly a lot of experimenting with trying to display and change images in battle depending on the situation and not...getting far...Yet anyway!

Still, enjoy these teaser picks for what will be added into Project QB at a later date and time!
Otherwise yeah, I'm here still, still alive and well enough! A 'Thank you' goes out towards the kind person who shot me $10 out of the blue recently! Otherwise once I have something more solid to show off, expect it to hit here first!