Demo Recap, and 2014

First off, HeavyPerscription, who also goes under 'the messenger boy', recently got a few free moments to gift everyone with a sexy Viola and Slime Swine 'BAD END' image of sorts. Click on it for the full size if you want to see it in it's full glory.
Past that I want to say a small update to the current demo will be coming out in a few days. It's mostly to address the current balance, and the end event bug that causes it to not trigger correctly. By addressing the current balance thought, I'm going to side with the people who right now ARE doing rather fine with the game. As it stands, the player can charge up power really easy, and just burst down everything in their way. On one hand, I WANT you to have that energy, but on another I want the monsters to still feel like, hey, this take over's not just story, but gameplay as well! Monsters ARE getting a nerf thought on the party wide attacks, as they could cast this at any time, without limit. Now they too need to build energy doing actions before they can use such. This SHOULD make that mechanic in turn feel a lot more fair overall.
Past that, I can only wish everyone a Happy New Year~! 2014 will chances are be when we can at last start seeing finished 'base' games here, and actually think about expanding on them or actually moving back towards Codename: -Progressive- in full.
Topic : Hentai game
Genre : AdultContents