More Status Updates!
Admittedly this last week was kinda busy, from being able to catch the recent Black Panther with people over afterwards, and some running around I had to do as well for a job I sadly didn't get, but work still got done on the erotic field!
The downgrade for RPG Maker MV did indeed work, and outside of a few hiccups ( a few files strangely had to be nulled before I had the correct versions, otherwise I ran into conflicts VERY fast ), it's now working as intended. I've been playing around with Rouge-Like systems as a result to try to replicate a fitting style for the Zetta project, and I'll try to show some stuff off in the coming days or week around this. I do though feel more confident that I can get such running in MV ( more screen space, more screen control, less issues in general ) then I could in VX Ace.
Vampire Lust is chugging away as well, with the general NPC's all but done at this stage, it's putting the rest of the HUB together and implementing the underlying systems. Me and NPNG did chat though and we felt that for this first demo release, the 'Corruption' element wouldn't be active, just to save on current workload and to ensure we can push this out faster still. For those who might have missed this tidbit, there's a general corruption plot for Vampire Lust with this overwhelming pink smoke that's endlessly spreading outwards. As you would play the game, it's reach grows, and the HUB slowly starts to fall towards it's effects, changing how NPC's interact with you, still they start trying to sex you on the spot and the like. As fun as an element like that is, it would just drag down this Demo's release trying to fit that in -now- and not come back for that later.
The only other thing to note was that Andersonic did some more artwork, based off of the 'Blaze Mini' project we colabed together on! Croc also delivered some artwork too after a long absence, but I think it's clear his focus has been on Dragon Ball Fighter Z then any of our games ^^;

The downgrade for RPG Maker MV did indeed work, and outside of a few hiccups ( a few files strangely had to be nulled before I had the correct versions, otherwise I ran into conflicts VERY fast ), it's now working as intended. I've been playing around with Rouge-Like systems as a result to try to replicate a fitting style for the Zetta project, and I'll try to show some stuff off in the coming days or week around this. I do though feel more confident that I can get such running in MV ( more screen space, more screen control, less issues in general ) then I could in VX Ace.
Vampire Lust is chugging away as well, with the general NPC's all but done at this stage, it's putting the rest of the HUB together and implementing the underlying systems. Me and NPNG did chat though and we felt that for this first demo release, the 'Corruption' element wouldn't be active, just to save on current workload and to ensure we can push this out faster still. For those who might have missed this tidbit, there's a general corruption plot for Vampire Lust with this overwhelming pink smoke that's endlessly spreading outwards. As you would play the game, it's reach grows, and the HUB slowly starts to fall towards it's effects, changing how NPC's interact with you, still they start trying to sex you on the spot and the like. As fun as an element like that is, it would just drag down this Demo's release trying to fit that in -now- and not come back for that later.
The only other thing to note was that Andersonic did some more artwork, based off of the 'Blaze Mini' project we colabed together on! Croc also delivered some artwork too after a long absence, but I think it's clear his focus has been on Dragon Ball Fighter Z then any of our games ^^;