Progress Update 20

This last week's been far more productive then I know how to say, but I've wanted to hold back saying anything till I was really ready to open this can of worms fully. For starters you who follow me on pixiv might notice a new face suddenly doing images about and linking towards my workblog, and today I would like to officially welcome ZXC into our folds, making the team for Project QB now have: 2 English, 1 Japanese, and 2 Taiwanese.
....Yes, 2 Taiwanese, as not only has ZXC joined, one more has too:

Saiseliya, a friend of ZXC, has too joined us adding new content and material towards the game. This is turn has turned what was going to be a semi simple project, into a full sized ordeal! =O

Of course, MO2 couldn't help but get some more work done, even with his own project in the works ATM.

...and ZXC teasing a bit of a soon to be title screen of sorts ;3
On Tyamet Chapter:
-ChaosCroc's wanted to add a bit more towards the game, and has 'selective' things planned for the next 2 demo's before final release, as such I'm actually asked to hold off releasing anything else till he's done with his stuff! @w@;;; If wondering why the demo didn't get out earlier this week after getting help to snuff out the last bug from last time, this is why. I WOULD say more, but I've also been asked to not...@w@;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
As such, for now, Project QB's chances are going to see another demo before Tyamet Chapter. >w>;;; Otherwise this has been a recap of the week!