Progress Update 5

Today, was like Christmas...or my Birthday. Or both. I'll do my best to break it all down as much as possible. working progress 16

This is chances are everyone's already seen. We have our battler's, ad able to give them images as need be. Even without a selective script, I could have fauxed this up. Then again, my newest friend, CP, today answered all of my issues in a single day.

working progress 17

As before I can switch them and move the gals about in team order, and the game will auto display them in the right spots. Nice, simple, no headaches at all.

working progress 18

But now comes the best part, changing images around the status effects. He just recently released this, both under my own request, and apparently his own personal need for his own project as well. So in lucking out, VX Ace now become the sole backbone of all future projects!

working progress 19

Including when his system is very easy to use at that! My normal way of changing status effects works just the same, but the background script to change images is no longer needed. Just a simple edit into each status' notetag, and that's it. In battle once inflicted, it'll change towards that image without any questions, hiccups, or flaws. If cured, it'll change towards the normal image just as fast. VASTLY improved from XP!

working progress 20

Not only that, but now via status effects, I can disable menu options on the fly, and even have such things 'stack' normally. Such as a buff you could cast, that gets stronger each time you use it.

working progress 21

More less a scanning feature without the need for it to be an attack!

working progress 22

More less a function for even monster transformations real time! To do something like this under XP requires a LOT of work around, but here it's just another state prefix.

To put it bluntly: Codename's about to become far more creative in content then first ever planned. =D

Topic : Hentai game
Genre : AdultContents

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Amazing Game!

This game looks amazing! I've been following it's progress for quite some time (about 4 months). Please know that we fans really appreciate all the work you're doing to create games like these! :D I actually have two questions regarding your games: Is there a paypal (or similar) site where I can donate? I did not notice any demos for some of the games you're working on. Am I blind, or are you working on providing a more complete release for those games?

Re: Amazing Game!

> This game looks amazing! I've been following it's progress for quite some time (about 4 months). Please know that we fans really appreciate all the work you're doing to create games like these! :D I actually have two questions regarding your games: Is there a paypal (or similar) site where I can donate? I did not notice any demos for some of the games you're working on. Am I blind, or are you working on providing a more complete release for those games?

I do indeed have a paypal. Is it made public? Not yet, partly because of how paypal 'reads' payment processing. If someone sent me cash with perhaps a misjudged message ( I love your porn games dude! ), that can easily get said account banned, and all funds forfeit. It's not something I wish to see happen, so I'm trying to approach that ordeal in a way that'll avoid such. If you DO wish to donate, and assist me with some funds ( cover for more artist for Codename, perhaps encourage artist to work on other projects? Maybe just make my monthly life that less taxing? ) it would be best to catch me on steam or skype, and talk towards me that way on said subject. I go by lipucd on both.

As for Demo's, only Codename, and Project: -QB- has any as it stands. Project -Croc- has no public demo, and Codename's demo is rather old ( almost a year! ) and is not a showing of what it'll be now. Once progress has been made on games to be publicly shown, I'll be releasing demos.

No title

Hello there,
First of I have to say this, I love your games. Thanks to you I was able to find CP's battle system which is perfect for most of the games I plan on making, but that's not the reason I'm sending this message.

Actually I am wondering how it is exactly that you are able to change the battler's graphics using the status effects, as I would like to use the same feature within some of my projects and I can't seem to figure out to do it.

Now I will understand if you don't want to tell me how you've done it since you were like to make it a main feature of your games, but I would appreciate it greatly if you would be able to let me know how you have done this. Also, I am only using CP's battle system for extra scripts at the moment, in case that helps.

Thank you for creating your marvelous games and I hope you do well in the future!


I'm lipucd, maker of RPG Maker hentai games!
( also obsessive over Q-Bee )

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