XP DemoYou WILL need RPG Maker XP RTP to play!Here it is, the incomplete, highly buggy, and perfect showing why even a simple project was simi doomed under XP's system. A lot of what the game 'will' have is here thought, it was never ment to be this 'big' project as intended. Yet it ended up taking longer and longer as stuff started breaking at the edges yet again, much like codename. If you end up in a state of being bound up, but escape it, or go towards a new battle, for SOME REASON, even though I set stuff to reset that, it doesn't reset that at all. So expect to find yourself in situations you really should not be in. Battle balance is tweeked enough where you can win fights thought...if you make smart use of your elements. Try reading descriptions and looking at who's who. :P
Past that, I've already began a mad push to re-work all of this under VX Ace under a far better system. As for answering questions from the last blog:
zharp>thats too bad. Hmm.. Can you just continue the other half in VX and finish the xp one like part 1 and part 2?
Was never made as a project to take very long to play as...est. playtime once fully done would be about...an hour or less? Not very long at all rather! So what you guys are getting is what it 'was', and soon will see what it'll 'become'.
Love your work >Please do release what you have done for Tyamet, I would be happy to give notes inasmuch as they might assist even in a new format.
Well you are welcomed to do such if you wish! I'll admit thought that I kind already KNOW the bugs a plenty, and already tried to fix them under XP with no luck ( almost a month of trying to fix at that! ). So just take this as a holder till the real content gets done? ;3
No Name>Thanks for checking in with us. I can't begin to tell you how hyped I am to see this and how much I appreciate all your hard work for us. I hope you find a way to sort the bug out but even if you don't it'd be fun to be able to at least mess around in a bugged version than no version. That being said, do as you please! You are the one doing the work after all!
Piko>Seriously still excited for this game. Can't wait to see the release of even a buggy version. :0
Zhxulie>i want to know whats the verdict for this game!? Because where Craving for it
Well here you go then~! Let me know how you guys think of the bugged versions content at least then? =D
...And sorry for the delays a plenty...Everyone can blame me and my utter addiction towards Dark Souls for that >w>;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I...really do not have another excuse past that.
Topic : Hentai game
Genre : AdultContents
wow cant wait to play it thanks man we love you.
Dark souls. Do not let that game suck out your soul D:
Can we be shown a single fetish from the game we have not seen yet on this bolg on the next update to make up for the lack of updates? <_<
You don't have to do that if you don't want to.
Naa, it's cool. I think I can go into more details about what all Tyamet Chapter's going to have that Croc will allow me to get away with. :P
help i cant play the game because it said "unable to find Graphics/titles/001-title01." soo what will i do?
sorry i did not install the xp_rtp
Thanks for this game, I hope the other games are less of a headache to you.
I feel dumb but I can't find the key to get into the underground portion. Also I can't seem to struggle free of the male panda grabs. One a bug the other I would just like to check out that area honestly.
I can;t use the link because it says Can't find the page for RPG Maker Please hel I really want tho play it!!!
> I can;t use the link because it says Can't find the page for RPG Maker Please hel I really want tho play it!!!
Oh yes, I see the issue now! They recently updated their US site after so long I see, so the old link's invalid.
Use that link instead!
and wich one off the three do I need to download???
I got Some problems with that too:(
Ny first Time I do stuff like this Sry!
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> and wich one off the three do I need to download???
> I got Some problems with that too:(
You want the 'XP' one, thought also grab the 'VX Ace' as my newest games use that instead.
...Honestly thought there's no real issue to just download all 3 and installing them, allowing you to play RPG Maker games from anyone else out on the net. =3
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> and how do I need to run the File I download
> The Game File: Not the RPG maker!
You first uncompress the file via WinRAR or another tool.
Then, run the .exe. Dependingg on the game, it'll ask for a path to install it's files into, and then from there run the new .exe.
That's all there is towards it.
Ty for the Help It Didn't work because I Hadn't WinRaR
Now It Works Finaly :)
I can't wait to see more off ur Work!
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Hey I wanted to ask you are you still working on this game I don't know if you moved accounts or not but I actually like how its going so far it looks pretty good I was just wonder is it still in production.
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