Progress Update 14

Well lets start off with the first little issue. My images stopped showing up. This was partly my own fault for thinking I could hotlink my own images towards other websites, and I'll have to fix that shortly enough. So if they don't show up ATM, that's why and gotta say sorry for that.

On more recent events:

...Let's just say the move to VX Ace is going RATHER smoothly. ;3
As you can tell I've done a few changes, so that now there are more 'fitting' icons for the situation and the like. Expect these in the Project: -QB- as well in later builds, more less Codename: -Progressive-.

...and no, I wouldn't worry too much about Tyamet's current stat numbers and skill usages and the like. Right now all of that is still being fiddled around with as I try to readd all of the older events and battle effects into this format.

Topic : Hentai game
Genre : AdultContents

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Glad to hear it's going good! Looking forward to a new demo. Can't get enough of your stuff!


I like how the panda suits are overworld sprites for enemies :3 Are they?
Plus would it look better in this game if Tyamet's overworld sprite was recolored red?

Re: Sprites

> I like how the panda suits are overworld sprites for enemies :3 Are they?
> Plus would it look better in this game if Tyamet's overworld sprite was recolored red?

The Sprites are placeholders as that's what's already done and 'kinda' fits the need for the game ATM. They are NOT final, honestly the only things 'final' are the battle images. Maps, sprites, HUD, even skill animations and the like are just stand in's till better is made and added. We WILL get towards such, but one step at a time ordeal for sure.

No title

Honestly really looking forward to the game should be quite a bit of fun I think. Curious what's going on not because I want to pressure you but more been two weeks and I'm curious. Take your time your making a stellar product just my inner internet fool standing on a stool wanting to know more about it.


I'm lipucd, maker of RPG Maker hentai games!
( also obsessive over Q-Bee )

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