Progress Update 16
OK, my hand's pretty forced here it seems like, even if I'd rather it not be.
Current Status on everything thus far:
-Tyamet Chapter has nothing to show off right now. Like really. Unless you want random AI's to bump into you, or see the current buggyness the battles are kinda in as I've yet to sit down and reconfigure old mechanics correctly for VX Ace. Reason for this is because of a few matters.
-CP is still in the process of working on things, and what he's working on will effect how I go about handling things in turn. Hench the kinda holding off, and playing the waiting game. I had hoped to hear back by now, but he still needs time, so battles are at a stall for now.
-Adding onto this, the AI I had wanted to do for Cover and stealth...isn't panning out. At all. So I'm having to scrap a lot of ideas I DID have and try to think of things to replace them with that would be far easier and simpler to do.
-Even then, MO2, S'Zira, and Chaos Croc are currently all working on their own matters ( MO2 is developing his own game that looks to be QUITE nifty, S'Zira's got a hefty jobload and commission backlog, and Croc's very much the same. ), leaving the only real advancements being my own tweening in an VX Ace outside the Steam install ( It's where I do most of my own scripting attempts ), and (VERY) slowly get Codename back up and running in a status that will make it easy for me to work on once I DO start on it in earnest.

...Said Non-Steam version is also in a hacked mix of English and Japanese given how I came about it...So past screwing around in it with experimental Ruby scripting I don't know if it even works or not, there's nothing to really show on that end ether...
I had said 'in a week' in my last post because I had hoped to hear from CP sooner, then later, on how things where on his end, and if I should wait some more, or if it was going to turn out to be months later where what he was telling me would get done.
...Admittily, I am at fault for just not pushing forward with this stuff, so I am sory for pretty much a week, and well...nada.
...Worse part about this is that I WISH I had something, if only because of the looming bit of support. This and last month has been INSANLY tight on the foodstock thanks to our foodstamps getting shut off, and I'm no pretty much on a 'Single Ramen packet a Day' Diet and going slightly loco thanks to such. I've been mostly burring myself in games to keep my sanity in check, to keep my mind off of a lot of the bad around me I can't solve ( Cragslist is NOT a valid option BTW, do not even SUGGEST IT. ), so that money really could have at least ensured these last 6 or so days till next month wouldn't be so damn tight. Sadly I guess I failed on that front to.
I doubt I'm going to have much of anything to say honestly for a while. Thing's aren't moving on the artist, even with budges and the like, my own scripting's not showing anything of value, and my partner scripter is kinda still AWOL.
Admittedly, this is how things where before Project: -QB- got picked up as fast as it did, and it was a nice gleeful push all around till MO2 hit a roadbump, and then everything came towards a crawl. So in no way is anything stopping outright, but it's pretty stalled too.
Current Status on everything thus far:
-Tyamet Chapter has nothing to show off right now. Like really. Unless you want random AI's to bump into you, or see the current buggyness the battles are kinda in as I've yet to sit down and reconfigure old mechanics correctly for VX Ace. Reason for this is because of a few matters.
-CP is still in the process of working on things, and what he's working on will effect how I go about handling things in turn. Hench the kinda holding off, and playing the waiting game. I had hoped to hear back by now, but he still needs time, so battles are at a stall for now.
-Adding onto this, the AI I had wanted to do for Cover and stealth...isn't panning out. At all. So I'm having to scrap a lot of ideas I DID have and try to think of things to replace them with that would be far easier and simpler to do.
-Even then, MO2, S'Zira, and Chaos Croc are currently all working on their own matters ( MO2 is developing his own game that looks to be QUITE nifty, S'Zira's got a hefty jobload and commission backlog, and Croc's very much the same. ), leaving the only real advancements being my own tweening in an VX Ace outside the Steam install ( It's where I do most of my own scripting attempts ), and (VERY) slowly get Codename back up and running in a status that will make it easy for me to work on once I DO start on it in earnest.

...Said Non-Steam version is also in a hacked mix of English and Japanese given how I came about it...So past screwing around in it with experimental Ruby scripting I don't know if it even works or not, there's nothing to really show on that end ether...
I had said 'in a week' in my last post because I had hoped to hear from CP sooner, then later, on how things where on his end, and if I should wait some more, or if it was going to turn out to be months later where what he was telling me would get done.
...Admittily, I am at fault for just not pushing forward with this stuff, so I am sory for pretty much a week, and well...nada.
...Worse part about this is that I WISH I had something, if only because of the looming bit of support. This and last month has been INSANLY tight on the foodstock thanks to our foodstamps getting shut off, and I'm no pretty much on a 'Single Ramen packet a Day' Diet and going slightly loco thanks to such. I've been mostly burring myself in games to keep my sanity in check, to keep my mind off of a lot of the bad around me I can't solve ( Cragslist is NOT a valid option BTW, do not even SUGGEST IT. ), so that money really could have at least ensured these last 6 or so days till next month wouldn't be so damn tight. Sadly I guess I failed on that front to.
I doubt I'm going to have much of anything to say honestly for a while. Thing's aren't moving on the artist, even with budges and the like, my own scripting's not showing anything of value, and my partner scripter is kinda still AWOL.
Admittedly, this is how things where before Project: -QB- got picked up as fast as it did, and it was a nice gleeful push all around till MO2 hit a roadbump, and then everything came towards a crawl. So in no way is anything stopping outright, but it's pretty stalled too.
Topic : Hentai game
Genre : AdultContents