Specal Easter Version is here!As a few of you guessed, it's Tyamet Chapter! We've put a few events in for today's holiday, more less a few extra hidden material along if you keep your eyes open enough!
There is a issue ATM I've yet to solve that might cause the app to shut down outright. If this happens, take note of:
-What you where doing
-What you had already done before hand
-What was the LAST action you took before the crash
Topic : Hentai game
Genre : AdultContents
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My thoughts on the demo in no particular order:
-The stealth mechanic was a nice way to add some variety to the game, but it seemed like the guards would always trap me on the pedestal and run out the full 10 secs. maybe try tweaking that a bit
-Loved find all the cameos hidden among the statues, are any of them going to play a bigger role in future updates?
-Are the Floor traps working? They don't seem to be doing anything.
Over all I really like the direction this game is going, keep up the good work!
> -The stealth mechanic was a nice way to add some variety to the game, but it seemed like the guards would always trap me on the pedestal and run out the full 10 secs. maybe try tweaking that a bit
I'll see what I can do about that! I had wanted them to walk around in a larger area, with a cone vision ordeal, but I spend months on that, and I ended up scrapping that for this style instead. I'll try playing around with their movement timing thought.
> -Loved find all the cameos hidden among the statues, are any of them going to play a bigger role in future updates?
One or two will yes! Now what one those are, that's a different question. ;3
> -Are the Floor traps working? They don't seem to be doing anything.
The sparkling one's in the 'Treasure Room' yes? They SHOULD be...@w@;; If they aren't, thanks for the heads up and I'll check that out a bit more.
> Over all I really like the direction this game is going, keep up the good work!
Thanks a ton for the support and input! =D
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Wow~! You guys really have been at it! It's kinda awesome to see so many successful results!
Also Towards "Able":
>also after death the first battle you get into when you load will crash the game
Thanks a ton for the information! I didn't notice such before hand, but I'll play around with it a lot more. Also you inputted the 'extra' information incorrectly, so I had to delete your post, sorry! You ARE welcomed to attempt that again thought correctly for it to be counted as valid!
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Was sneaking through the statue hall, the game crashed while being found out by one of the guards at the beginning of the fight before the options where displayed
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The Two floor based traps I have encounters in this demo do not work 100%. The Statue bases allow you to move after standing on them for past the allowed time, however you still start seeing the overlapping End Game, and the floor in triple chest room can just be walked over, no matter where, as if the traps are not even present right now. However, overall very interesting development to the game, wish I could go to the basement, perhaps have that be the next part?
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That is a nice eastern, what you gave us there, lipucd. My only problem is, that the traps in that one room, which are sparkling, doesnt work.
> That is a nice eastern, what you gave us there, lipucd. My only problem is, that the traps in that one room, which are sparkling, doesnt work.
Try the updated version!
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In case others think about pasting the passcode, the 'reward' was already uploaded in this post, so no need to post it anymore! Go there to enjoy it, shouldn't be hard to find! =D
Thank you all BTW for doing that little ordeal, but I am going to have to ask you all to stop for now XD