Good news, Great news, and News news.

Well, lets start from the top and work our way down shall we?

-Figured out what's been making me so ill, the people under us have been smoking to hell and back over the last few months, and the build up of second hand smoke has been getting towards me. I've never been able to handle cigarette, tobacco, or other kinds of smoke since I was little, so having a forever lingering ordeal that I didn't even pick up till being out of the house for a day or two, and then coming back and picking up on it let me know what was really up, and why stuff like medication and the like has done almost nothing for me.

-To fix said illness, a friend was nice enough to invest in an air purifier for me, and after using it today I gotta say I already am coughing far less, and when I do, far less extreme at that! Yeah, that sounds like the 'passive aggressive' way of solving the issue, and it kinda is! Sadly the landlord doesn't have anything in the lease saying they can't smoke, nothing they are smoking is illegal, and I would need a doctor's note to legally say their smoking is causing me health issues, something that would be a few hundred dollar's investment into making a few people mad at me for stopping their 'fun'. The air filter was like 1/10 of a doctor's visit, and they don't even have to know I invested in it, so huzzah!

-I've taken a lot of suggestions on Egg Assault so far and started working on editing it around a bit. What I hope it'll have once I'm done with it all is: A way to 'watch' the transformation even when everyone is captured. An option to skip the story outright. Some more attack options for the player/foes. New monster type that can spawn in place of the egg capture machine. New status effect. An option to pick and choose your team.
Some of that was already in the groundwork of the release version if a few keen people picked up on a few selective skills! Croc's got an idea as well for new players to be added towards it, but I'll go into detail about that another post.

-Project: -QB- is seeing some strides, and a new release I would say isn't too far off, including with my improving health at last. Tyamet Chapter's waiting on a few key segments to be done before implementing and release. Codename: Progressive might see a X-Mas release of it's grand return if all goes well. I've been pretty quiet about that one for sure, if only because Tyamet Chapter and Project QB have both been learning experiences for me, and taking what I have learned and refining it for Codename, as it'll be the biggest project of them all, has been pretty key. Only thing is that a lot of ideas have been added, scrapped, replaced or redone all together. If I had kept you guys noted on all of that, I could only figure how much the hype would overpower the released content. I've already seen that kind of stuff happen with Project X and the like, where teased information builds hype, that soon enough snowballs out of control if a release doesn't follow shortly afterwords. So I've been wanting to still give you guys heads up, but trying to avoid that pitfall if I can.

Croc's genderbent for that game is something he's had for a while. So if you think the design's kinda stupid, you can always tell him personally! I'll be working on the intro skip thought as that's an utterly easy fix.

@U.N. Owen
Yup! The password is for the included .rar, and it says exactly what you chances are think it says. Apparently a few people had issues with the .rar format thought, so I might just do a .zip next time, even if it's got worse compression ratios. ( I might then need to host my uploads on something other then dropbox, I've been able to get away with it OK for now as the files are small enough to not hit the bandwidth cap fast enough in a day, but higher compression head will lead towards that not being the case with other games with the same boons... )

@Everyone else
Thanks a ton for the kind words and support! I have to say, it's kinda rad to know people in Taiwan, Germany, Japan, and elsewhere are all playing the stuff I'm making in my spare time, more less ENJOYING what I'm making at that and want to see more! So yeah, mega thanks towards everyone for the support thus far!

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It's great to hear that you're feeling better! Sucks that you still have to live above those smokers. I hope no long term problems arise from it. So when you say you are waiting segments for Tyamet, hat exactly are you talking about? Are just waiting for art from Croc or something?

Re: No title

Pretty much yeah! More less he's got a few ideas he's yet to give me "Yay/Nay" towards, I've got working ordeals of them in action, he just doesn't know if he 'wants' such or not. He's been on a heavy commission stream ordeal as of late to keep himself afloat seems like, so his priority's more focused on that then erotica RPG's.

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Yay, more content! Hope the air purifier works out well for you.

Egg Assualt suggestion

I would like to suggest adding in possible settings (if possible), where you can chose the spawn rate of enemies (or certain ones that spawn, if even at all). That or maybe a difficulty setting that makes enemies weaker or something.

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I know how it is to get ill from cigarette smoke, started getting that a bout 5 years back, and that are not fun when EVERYONE in your family smokes except you, I wish you the best of luck on recovery man.

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nice to hear that you are doing better,
damn smoking man -.-

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I wish you'd update qbee more often, I'd be willing to donate if there were more frequent updates :<

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I'm lipucd, maker of RPG Maker hentai games!
( also obsessive over Q-Bee )

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