Croc doing a little image on my current status as of late.
We aren't dead, but stuff is kinda at a slowly crawling Ice Drift at this stage. Not much can be done about it, Holidays where kinda bumpy for everyone ( far more passing away's then I care to admit ), on top of stuff like MO2 at last recuperated enough to be out of hospital leave, but still recovering. We've also just been building up a bit of drive to hit the pavement running once we do, but we've got stuff being implemented bit by bit.

Latexity's been hard at work developing an assortment of sound samples, and a few animations for our current list of attacks. Next time you see Project: -QB-, it'll be far spiffier then you last recalled. ;3

Chaos Croc's been working on some stuff for Tyamet Chapter as well, people who've played the older demo's might recall this key ordeal, well it's been updated and enhanced, more less...someone else can use it as well?! What's up with that?! Answers later~

MO2 and I also did some doodling sessions together as of late, and he wanted me to share some of the work we've done. The Images is his work, while bereave it or not, the Japanese text is my handwork. If anyone wanted to question my ability to write/read Japanese, well this is the time. =w=
Otherwise all I can say is hang on for now, it's slow, I know not much of anyone ( myself most of all ) likes 'slow' with these projects, but that's where we lay ATM. I can only hope you guys keep your trust in us like you have up till now, and I'll do my best to keep you guys up front with what's going on, and any major updates if any. =3
ALSO: There's some people who missed the last few updates on Tyamet Chapter and the 'reward' for the older demo.
This is the link towards the 'reward' I was emailing out doing the Easter event. You don't have to post the 'code' anymore guys and gals, as it's free for everyone! =D
except chicago isn't that cold right now. It's been regular winter the past little while, and even mild the past few days. Cool to know you live not too far from me tho
> except chicago isn't that cold right now. It's been regular winter the past little while, and even mild the past few days. Cool to know you live not too far from me tho
No matter how long I live here, I seem unable to get used towards cold temperatures that allows the weather to snow. We had a pretty bad snap chill earlier too, all the way down to -20c or so. Admittedly, last year with the pole winds smacking us a ton was far worse, but it's still very cold for my blood. Being a born and raised Cali boy kinda made me great with heat but poor with cold.
Cool to hear from you guys, am still excited for tyamet, and ive gotten my attention on some other projects aswell so i won´t bother you guys so much :)
Keep warm during winter and I hope for some kind of release in the future :D
dood nice doodle, is that going to be in the game? i love slina dood
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i wait, It's worth it.
i hope to see much more corruption/TF from you. and if time is the rarest resource in your projects so be it.
greetings from Germany =^-^=
keep up the good work
The No man Thumb's up the picture of Felicia being converted into a queen bee drone. No Man feels that this needs to be in the game, rather by story or by game mechanic.
felicia dood i want that too its hawt
OMG...a felicia pic...will...will she be in project Q-bee??
I 'own' both of the demos, and I have to say, I kind of enjoy the 'You're totally fucked' portions with the Mind Crush from v1, and the Kisses from v2. I also like that it's a bit easier to get out of the molesting in v2 than in v1. I think if you get Mind Crushed 10 times without breaking free (Working for it) You should get 'rewarded' for your effort with say a special scene rather than the standard you lost one, like a 'you must have WANTED this' type of scene, or perhaps have there be like 4 levels of the hypnosis like with the kisses, at 4 you don fucked up but it takes like 7 or 8 crushes to make it there. I think if the males got this with the molesting as well it could add a little more variety to the game, like shackles are 1, molest 1+2 are level 2, molest 3+4 is level 3, like with her enjoying it, normally at low health only and level 4, she's basically helplessly in pleasure and NEEDS him to fuck her. Just some, ideas I came up with while I was going back over Tyamet Chapter Demo v2.
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