Progress Update 3

So yeah, almost 2 days without updates. JEEZE. Someone slap me.

working progress 8

So, in my hunt for a system for VX Ace, I did find...SOMETHING close towards what I need. The good? Updates the HUD and reformat everything for an image displayable combat. AWESOME!

working progress 9

It even knows the exact placement of each charater without any iffy workarounds. PERFECT!...Well, kinda. Issue here being is that, while we now have the option to disply, we do NOT have the option to 'change'. At least not 'yet' anyway. What I'm LOOKING to do is edit how this handles it image pasting process, and able to update itself once it goes "Oh, hey, someones under a status effect! Lets update towards this image!". I've yet to figure out quite how to modify this script into doing such though, so asking the maker of such ( who is located here ) on some help. Sadly his blog's not been updated in MONTHS, and I can't say I'm all that expecting to hear back from him soon, so this might be a dead end...

working progress 10

On the note of 'games that are actually being worked on and are not just theory'. Project: -Croc-'s getting some more refinement starting today. To give a project rundown on what's all in it right now:

- 6 different 'fight' situations for battle, end goal is 8
- 5 'Bad end' events present, unknown end goal currently
- Including all of the bombs as a single 'status type', there are 5 status effect chains, both current and end goal.
- The Yakaza Mansion currently has a First and Second floor. The First currently houses 4 rooms, and the Second only 1. The end goal is to expand on the First floor, have 5 rooms on the Second, and introduce a Basement floor as well. Slight puzzle solving is intended.

working progress 11

At this rate then it's really just the tedious stuff. Inserting text, timing events, and placing them all down to look pretty. It's the type of grunt work that 'anyone could do, but only so many can do well'. You guys seem to be hammering me for my work though, so I can only assume I'm doing a well enough job, right?

My next update should be a bit more fun as well, and sorry for the 2 day absence!
( I for one blame Erotan's Girl vs Girl game for being so addicting. Admittedly it's about $20 bucks, and not on the English DLsite, so I couldn't recommend it, not 'yet' anyway. The English translation for it should be done within a week's time though, so if up for supporting these guys and enjoying a porn game I kinda garner inspiration from, give them a look see around that time. )

Topic : Hentai game
Genre : AdultContents

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No title

I don't realy mind if you haven't updated this blog in a few days, so please take as much time as you need.

Re: No title

> I don't realy mind if you haven't updated this blog in a few days, so please take as much time as you need.

Thanks for that, but the idea is that I'm trying to keep both myself, and you guys motivated that "work is getting done, maybe not as fast as everyone would like, but there is progress". It lets you guys know that I haven't stopped, more less let you guys see just how all I go about working on these projects.

No title

i wish you a lot of courage ^^

While I do appreciate you wanting to have a healthy work ethic, I'm sure none of us want you to have a burnout from having to try too hard to keep the pace.

We're appreciative to have any updates at all, I'm sure we can miss a day or two here or there if we must. Just give us a shout that there isn't anything to see on that day perhaps.

Still, thank you for thinking of the fans, but the fans need to think of you too.

Re: No title

> While I do appreciate you wanting to have a healthy work ethic, I'm sure none of us want you to have a burnout from having to try too hard to keep the pace.
> We're appreciative to have any updates at all, I'm sure we can miss a day or two here or there if we must. Just give us a shout that there isn't anything to see on that day perhaps.
> Still, thank you for thinking of the fans, but the fans need to think of you too.

Alright then. I'll keep such in mind, and honestly? Thanks for speaking out as such. It kinda helps with perspective you know? I've seen how people get with things like Project X, Mitsuko X, Hounds Of The Blade, and other such projects where updates come out at a very slow, and crawling pace. Codename: -Progressive- was pretty much on that same list, and I've kinda wanted to fix that outlook for it, and for myself. I'd rather not get known as 'that guy who keeps doing stuff, but never finishes, and is undependable' you know?

But yeah, I'll ensure to not stress or burn myself out. =3

No title

Wonderful to see you back moving on this stuff, not gonna lie I had a sad because I thought CP was dead in the water. Glad to see it's not and honestly I agree with most of the comments, I would much rather see the game finished in a few years then see like two more updates before the end of the year and you completely burn out on working on it.

Glad to hear your back on the horse and I look forward to the next demo.

Re: No title

> Wonderful to see you back moving on this stuff, not gonna lie I had a sad because I thought CP was dead in the water. Glad to see it's not and honestly I agree with most of the comments, I would much rather see the game finished in a few years then see like two more updates before the end of the year and you completely burn out on working on it.
> Glad to hear your back on the horse and I look forward to the next demo.

Again, thanks a lot for the kind words! =D
I'll ensure to not overwork myself if nothing else, and do my best to keep you guys all up towards date on everything =3


I'm lipucd, maker of RPG Maker hentai games!
( also obsessive over Q-Bee )

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