Egg Assault 3.2 (Alpha )


Nab it here

It's been a small bit, and already we've done some 'cleaning up' as it where! The game's been updated once more with a small facelift and bug support galore!

-When selecting your characters, you now can see what style they are, and their stats compared towards others! We hope this will make setting up teams more easier to understand!

-The boss should now CORRECTLY appear at stage 15! We're sorry for this issue before hand, and hope you'll enjoy the fight! ( remember that the images for this boss fight are stand in sprites, and it's final form will be added in a later update )

-I've hopfully fixed the resin glitch many reported on. If not, please give me very clear and exact details on what's going on so I can pinpoint the flaw.

-Fixed the hypno text bug being played while at Hypno 3, but saying Hypno 1 lines. ATM there are no lines at this stage as request.

-There was an item glitch once, it's gone now...

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Cool. I assume it'll take a while longer for the placeholder art to get filled in? Just asking because the characters added in 2.0 are kind of my favourites and I would love for them to be fully functional.

Re: No title

> Cool. I assume it'll take a while longer for the placeholder art to get filled in? Just asking because the characters added in 2.0 are kind of my favourites and I would love for them to be fully functional.

Sadly yeah~! Each artist is responsible for their own stuff, and while Latexity and Haiku can crank stuff at me at an 'ask basis', Croc, as he stated in a previous blog post, has his previous commitments to focus on before he works on game stuff. It'll be a while still before them, or the boss, has their images done and done. Sorrys!


The game opens up in full screen mode. Is there a way to make it window mode instead?

Re: Question

> The game opens up in full screen mode. Is there a way to make it window mode instead?

I think I might have forgotten to state, but F5 now changes between full screen and normal size. It's the same Fullscreen Project: -QB- uses at that, so it should overall play nicer and look bette then the alt+enter route RPG Maker VX Ace has by default.

Item Usage

So, I've been trying to keep up with this game, but I don't know how to use the items. If they just need to be in your inventory they don't seem to be working for me.

Re: Item Usage

> So, I've been trying to keep up with this game, but I don't know how to use the items. If they just need to be in your inventory they don't seem to be working for me.

It's all equipment. You need to attach it towards the character you want to make use of it, and each character can have 3 attachments each. You can also stack the same item for greater effect ( though clearly some items don't stack, like say the Aigus Shard isn't going to make you go down to 12.5% HP capture or anything silly like that. )

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Three updates in a row? Goddamnit, man. Are you trying to give me a heart attack?

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the resin glitch is there when you put qbee as the first character and what do i do with the folder called "battle"?

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Not sure if this counts as a bug per se, but you may want to rethink having enemy parties with two plants in them. Was at full health at round 13 when, on the first turn, they both did the hypno gas thing, so I was immediately incapacitated with no one able to do assist actions. Just was frustrating to make it so far and kinda felt like a cheap loss since there was no way to prevent it. So could either not have two of them on the same team, drastically reduce the accuracy of that attack, or make them not use it quite so often.

Also, unrelated, but any chance of there being more male characters? I know it might not be the popular option, but I was excited to see Roxi added.

No title

I got up to the red tails-ko enemy but even after my entire team got converted nothing happens.

The game just cycles infinitely between captured characters and idle enemies

Boss bug

I got up to the red tails-ko enemy but even after my entire team got converted nothing happens.

The game just cycles infinitely between captured characters and idle enemies

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I'm lipucd, maker of RPG Maker hentai games!
( also obsessive over Q-Bee )

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