Nearly Finished...

A bit more towards this and it'll be ready~! Here's one more teaser page I've been allowed to share of the progress thus far! The real issue for it NOT being done before my streams has been me being PRETTY ill ( that anyone being close towards me can double down on! ). I had hoped to have this done by Monday, and then by the end of Friday, but I admit at times my English ends up worse then my Japanese, and on a project like this I really need to ensure it's got correct spelling, more less the correct mood and tone. There's a few phrases here or there that doesn't have a 1:1 English translation, or sounds really awkward without readjusting what's being said to make sure the right area is getting focused. This page is a nifty example of that as the Japanese have a phrase of "セフレ", pretty much a 'friend' you can have sex with freely. We don't have a single word that wraps that up, but we do have the phrase 'Friends with Benefits'. As you can guess, the catch here in Japanese is that Wafu uses セフレ instead of 友達, confusing the poor little Steenee. Here I had to get a bit creative with the play around, having Wafu focus on 'Benefits' that she in turn would repeat in confusion.
I might do a little last minute work on this on stream today, but otherwise I'll be working on game stuff like always!