Progress Update 1

working progress 1

Today wasn't too heavy of a game work day. I've done a bit of bug fixing in areas I noticed I didn't think out all the way ( a few evens where waiting for a trigger to activate, but I forgot that I disabled said trigger a while back, leading towards issues. HEYO! ), so I figured I would share with you guys a little on how the battle event processing works.

This a snapshot of how the 'bomb' items work in game, allowing Tyamet to attempt to transform her target into a statue. Though to get this work we need to know a few things first: What 'kind' of bomb are we using, and who is the target for such? The first part can be easily done by giving each bomb it's own event phrase, this way we always know the 'type' of bomb being thrown, even if all three work the same way. The latter part's a bit more trickier then that, including that we can't do a 'check' on the battle environment like that.

working progress 2

As such, we set up a way to 'get' this information from the battle itself. In this example I'm using a variable called 'What the hell am i fighting?', that I can set towards a numerical value, and then use a check in the bomb script to compare that towards it's possible results. If the values match, then that event trigger plays out. It's a really 'simple' trick honestly.

Most of today though past fiddling was spent researching scripts for VX Ace, trying to gauge on how simple ( or hard ) it would be to get a battle system similar towards the one I had before.

Topic : Hentai game
Genre : AdultContents

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I'm lipucd, maker of RPG Maker hentai games!
( also obsessive over Q-Bee )

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