It's been a long time coming huh?
Grab it hereWhat's new:- 3 new girls join the fry! Have fun making use of the corrupting Q-Bee, the hard hitter Makoto=Nanaya, and the ever wayward dancer Shantae!
- Along with these 3, you now can pick and choose your own teams! Mix and match and find the combo that fits your needs!
- 1 new direct foe joins the fry! The 'Resin Bots' are a new support unit, main to slow down and assist in taking you out. While they might be weak, don't let them preform their namesake skill, or you might be put out on display!
- A new item and point system. Perhaps felt like you could just use a little boost? Wanted to unlock things, but felt the goal was just a tad bit TOO strict? Now you'll earn points after each wave, and when you lose in full, return towards the start to spend them on gear to enhance and boost your chances to win the next time around! There's a .txt that explains the nuances of this system a little better and gives out detailed stats of the girls!
- The foe AI's seen a overhaul utterly so! Now foes will attack a lot more smarter in turn, and they will only attempt binding attacks when HP is 50% of a players max or less. The HP will now turn Yellow when this is meet.
- An updated intro, and 2 new 'Endings' along with the first have been added. have a better understanding of what's going on, more less enjoy all sorts of wonderful 'What If...' endings towards this event!
There might also be a reward for those who make it far enough...Beyond the clip notes, there was also a large overhaul on how battle events processed and worked, and while it might not be noticeable towards the player ( Rather, it shouldn't... ) it will allow me going forward to easily add and alter the game on a 'somewhat' modular level. That's been chances are the largest delay with this project, and I am UTTERLY sorry for it in turn. I do hope you all can enjoy the work that went into this!
Oh nice a new version! Love the new QBee fighter and being able to corrupt your allies . I got a few things I wanted to comment on as well.
*. Croc's taunting pose has its text cut off for being too long.
* I think it would be neat if Qbee could "revive" a member who gets made into a resin statue by turning them into a drone. Although this might make her pretty overpowered.
* Any chance you could speed up the damage done by tails ko rapdi fire? Not the animation itself, but when it shows the damage being done. You spend quite a bit of time waiting on the damage to finish and it adds up when you use rapid fire back to back. The same could be said for those eggbot waves and their stun lasers.
* The original 3 party members are overpowered together. You can skip entire waves when you get both croc and crisis to use their big group attacks and then just have tails ko clean up the rest with rapid fire (later rounds you use the emp grenade to avoid most damage and build up energy). Infact I never needed any of the shop items to get to the "end" of this version. Although after that point the difficulty started to catch up to me..
* It would be neat if there was some sort of gallery mode where you can use points to unlock the transformations and what not. I also would like an option to watch the endings at the beginning menu once you unlock them.
I can't wait for the planned content you got for the next version.
Congratulations on the release! Gonna check this out now!
Thanks a ton, and really hoping everyone can enjoy what took me quite a few months of sitting down and working out bit by bit, even with all of the craziness, turned out!
Going from the top down:
*I'll chances are adjust that text then and just make it smaller, but thanks for the heads up with this one! I'll admit I wasn't keeping the BEST eye on that element, just hoping it wouldn't end up overflowing like that.
*I could perhaps think about this in earnest! Would also give Q-Bee one of the few 'revival' options as a result like such, though you would have to heal them BEFORE doing such, otherwise they would just get resin'ed again :'D It would also then need to keep a tracker in mind on when you've already got a drone resin'ed and you would try to TF them...while being a drone anyway! :'D I'll think about this one at length though, so thanks for the suggestion!
*Holding down the 'accept' button mid combat will speed up ALL animation and procession by about 50%. Sadly I can't QUITE speed up any single one attack's damage processing like such outside of changing it's multi-hit into a single fire with a large number, and I kinda feel that defeats the uniqueness of the attack as well. If holding the button down STILL isn't fast enough, I'll try playing around with the processing speed a little more as a result, just note that EVERYTHING will go faster too ( text when attacks goes off and what have you ).
*Heh, I wonder if that's intended...It's not like those three don't have a history with each other or something...:'D But in earnest those three being the 'easiest' to use is somewhat intended, as beyond Tails-Ko "Low Damage, but high TP gains + Rapid hit spam" the other two are rather low gimmick characters that do a role without needing any heavy support in turn doing such. The new three, and anyone else new going forward, will be a lot more gimmicky in turn to spur on balancing around their selective needs to really 'get good' and it'll be up towards the player to see if they are worth the investment for the style they are after. Of course when there's more options to choose for, more less more items to support different playing styles, it'll start to feel a lot more organic in this nature I'd think. =3
*Sure! Those are both very valid and worthy options in earnest, and I can aim to provide such in a later release for sure! If I had such a system, it really would just be "Gather so much total points to auto-unlock this for viewing" like how the endings work ATM. I'll admit though that I didn't want to be stuck for another week or two implementing another menu or aspect that, while it gives a 'quality-of-life' feature towards the player, in turn I'm spinning my wheels with the content I've already got done not getting out and it's already been so long in waiting that I didn't think I could get away with another week in time without an issue or two. ( Including that this was the start of my Patreon in turn, and thanks towards the internet swapping, we're going to need every little cent we can muster these next two months >_<;;;; )
If nothing else, for Egg Assault, the next update will have another set of girls ( the theme is still on the surprise side~ ) at least one more 'Normal' Based foe, and the introduction of Bosses. I'll also be adding a system to 'buy' your way towards different checkpoints ( at a boss/just after a boss ) to let you advance without redoing the early stages again, though you'll need to balance it each run with whatever equipment you'll be buying as well~ ;3
so I decided to give a bit of feedback after playing it for a little.
-Not sure if I just haven't mastered her yet, but I found Makoto to be a little too dependent on essentially skipping turns to have 1 big mega-turn in which she just destroys everything. Not sure if this works with the 5-weak-to-medium-enemies-at-a-time model the game uses: it's nearly always better to just eliminate them one by one.
-As much as she is a one gimmick girl, I did love Q-Bee's. Nice transformation art, fun mechanic. My only complaint would be that the +B skill kind of ended up barely ever being used, since Q-Bee is the only healer once you have a party full of drones and she needs that mana to cast honey bombs.
-I ended up not really using items, they were categorized very vaguely and I never knew whether I had them equipped or not, even now I am not sure whether the items are permanent or just for the playthrough after you buy them.
-It's a bit of a shame that, once you lose 1 party member, you essentially lose the game. It makes it so that you barely ever see corrupted teammates in action for more than a turn or two, though the transformations themselves are pretty damn nicely done.
-I love how capture robots won't use sticky gum on a character on the turn they're freed, that could have very easily resulted in stunlock situations.