
I guess long and short is: My flames burned out ages ago. Back when I was 13, with a church out in West L.A., I recall the pre-teen leader saying I had “A flame that lit everyone else up”. At that time I was very outgoing, very charismatic, very much a people person even if my peers at times resented me for connecting with adults a lot and wasn’t quite one to welcome their heckling.

…That was back in 2000. Back when my mother was still in a good spot pushing out her script to become a film, where while wer were living off of food stamps and Section 8 for rent, we could still go out and -do- things without a lot of stress. Back when I could scooter around from my home all the way to Santa Monica because I didn’t have 50 cents to ride the bus and be fine.

…Two years after that, the cchurch fell apart, my mother got into a deal that ccosted us everything and then some, we were fored to move towards Chicago as my Grandmother was the only person willing to support us in that time of need.

Living in Chicago was, and always has been terrible since. I got mugged a few times just half a block away from home just because I was an ‘easy target’ for everyone else. I couldn’t get back into the systems I had in Californa, meaning I couldn’t take Riddlin for my ADHD anymore, nor could I get check ups and the like given no medicade. I couldn’t dare leave the front door unless I knew I had busfair to get around.

If not for the internet becoming what it was around that time, I chances are would have been destroyed right there and then :’D But, I held on, I dug into the ryona groups to pervert all this stress in ways to become an outlet and to bare with the day-in-and-out struggles my mother and I was having with trying to adapt. She coudln’t score a job, so she eventuraly went back to script writing once Section 8 cleared us for the state move and we could get our own place.

I tried to go to college, to escape Chicago and to make something of my own. Sadly 2007 happened doing that time, and my co-signer at the time died in turn.

So…I was forced to drop out, with the school unwilling to give me my credits till I payed up what I owed, with Sallie Mae now over my back in turn. Even if I got a job, I wouldn’t have any money of my own. I still tried though, but dropping out of college with nothing to show is a worse action then dropping out of highschool. No one wanted to hire me, and online jobs that where just mindless clicking and posting tasks for a few cents per thing done where not listable job experances.

I’m been struggling since then just to live. To make -something- for myself, but 10 years ongoing and I’m still no better off then I already was. I still have to pretty much beg for cash, if I get anything, it’s ether a hand-me-down or a gift from someone else, never from my own pocket. On top of all of that, the help I should be getting, I can’t. Seeing someone for my mental issues is too expensive. Getting a check up is too expensive. I’ve got shattered teeth that no matter what I do are rotting away. I’ve got a libido that doesn’t have a 'down’ moment. My feet as well have started to develop some really odd sensations and numbness as well. Though I can’t do anything about it unless I was on the verge of death, and only then would a hospital be willing to toss me under debit harder then I was before.

…it is a wonder how I still stand. How I can still have anything akin towards a 'flame’ after all of this. My mother can’t get her veteran benefits because of how she got discharged to hide the fact that one of her higher up’s felt like 'using’ her and even with the changes to the ruling, she still hasn’t been able to budge on that. My brother is mentaly disabled to the point where someone will always have to watch and take care of him, and he’ll be 27 physically, but 13 mentally.

This is my life, this will chances are ccontinue to be my life, and with how the world’s going, it’ll only be worse. Food stamps are being cut back more and more, my brother’s disability check is our only real income to speak of and that’s starting to be cut back, Section 8′s cutting back…You can only cut at a thread for so long till there’s nothing left.

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I'd have more sympathy if you'd actually put shit out, man. If you'd put in the work, and updated on a semi regular basis, you might've been fairly successful on patreon. What little you've released for Q-Bee and Codename Progressive is what inspired me to make my own content. They still are, even as demos, the best H games I've seen. You could STILL have some success with them, if you'd only make progress and update people.

You were promising Q-Bee to be released back around Christmas 2014, and shit had barely been updated before that. I've been coming here almost daily since then. I get that your life is harder than most, but that doesn't stop you from favoriting work on FA all the time. I also understand, as someone who works on games myself, that you can just hit a wall. But if you'd announced 4 years ago that Donald Trump would be president and fallout 4 would be years old before you made a single update to Q-Bee, people would've stopped holding out hope.

I hope you don't stop. I hope you actually put in the effort and make the games. Seriously, after YEARS of nothing, I still want to follow your stuff. THAT'S how good it is. I'd even donate to a patreon if you put updates up instead of going AWOL for months at a time.

No title

I agree with the other guy.

If you muscled down and threw yourself into it, updating monthly or so, I'd be up for paying. But yearly updates make me think you've gone and died or something.

In terms of content, you're actually producing better stuff than I'd say 95 percent of everyone else making a living making H content and taking payment through patreon, but the other dudes update on a bi-weekly / monthly basis and it's more appealing to give money to someone producing okay content who you think are gonna stick around and keep doing stuff than someone producing good content but who makes it seem like they're gone for good after spending a year in a state of radio silence.

Stay strong broheim.

I'm not sure if the previous comments were meant to be encouraging, but they certainly come off kinda harsh and selfish sounding. Sorta like they're saying "Yeah, sure, sounds tough, but more porn please!"

If you do make another attempt at Patreon though, then you will definitely need to stop posting free demos here. This blog would have to become written updates promoting your Patreon and perhaps screenshot updates of what you're working on. The demos would have to only be available to those paying for certain tiers.

I wish I could say or do something more helpful than that. Survival and Well being always take precedence though, so if you need to stop working on games to focus your efforts on that, then that's perfectly understandable, no matter what anyone says.

Look on The Bright Side

Honestly, I can relate. While not having ADHD I do have family with it and I personally have dealt with depression and can understand and sympathize with you. At the moment, I'm like you, a little younger but a college drop-out with little experience.But I try to look at the better side of life, keep the upbeat attitude positive. It keeps pushing ya forward. This week in particular I've been beaten and bruised yet I'm looking forward to tomorrow because it's a new day. It's stuff like that helps keep your spirits up.

And I know it sometimes that your mind won't let you see the sun or the door or it seems hopeless, and it's very frustrating and difficult to deal with and it may seem like its right and you want to give in to that hole. But don't trust me, because that hole swallows you up and its hard to get out of.

I'm a huge fan of your work. Project QB is one of my favorite H-Games despite being only a demo. I adore it and frequently go back to it. I mean Corrupted NiGHTS and Q-Bee in a game? Yes please. You have tons of potential and fantastic ideas. Don't give up just yet as it be a shame to see all that talent go to waste.

As for Patreon, I have an idea. How Patreon patrons work is that they prefer consistent updates weekly or monthly rather than huge yearly ones. So do small but steady updates on games such as new art posts, small changes, heck even going 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 is good for consistency purposes. Also, a really good idea would be having direct download links to the previous demo versions of QB Project and your other projects as a "taste" of what's to come.

So again, I hope you don't give up because I'd really hate to see another one of my favorite creators drop out of the game making scene. But if you really need to take a break and collect your mind/thoughts, that's fine. We all should be happy and healthy first before anything else. So I hope you're doing better and if this is goodbye, thanks for the wonderfully wicked fun.

-A Fan

Look on The Bright Side

Honestly, I can relate. While not having ADHD I do have family with it and I personally have dealt with depression and can understand and sympathize with you. At the moment, I'm like you, a little younger but a college drop-out with little experience.But I try to look at the better side of life, keep the upbeat attitude positive. It keeps pushing ya forward. This week in particular I've been beaten and bruised yet I'm looking forward to tomorrow because it's a new day. It's stuff like that helps keep your spirits up.

And I know it sometimes that your mind won't let you see the sun or the door or it seems hopeless, and it's very frustrating and difficult to deal with and it may seem like its right and you want to give in to that hole. But don't trust me, because that hole swallows you up and its hard to get out of.

I'm a huge fan of your work. Project QB is one of my favorite H-Games despite being only a demo. I adore it and frequently go back to it. I mean Corrupted NiGHTS and Q-Bee in a game? Yes please. You have tons of potential and fantastic ideas. Don't give up just yet as it be a shame to see all that talent go to waste.

As for Patreon, I have an idea. How Patreon patrons work is that they prefer consistent updates weekly or monthly rather than huge yearly ones. So do small but steady updates on games such as new art posts, small changes, heck even going 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 is good for consistency purposes. Also, a really good idea would be having direct download links to the previous demo versions of QB Project and your other projects as a "taste" of what's to come.

So again, I hope you don't give up because I'd really hate to see another one of my favorite creators drop out of the game making scene. But if you really need to take a break and collect your mind/thoughts, that's fine. We all should be happy and healthy first before anything else. So I hope you're doing better and if this is goodbye, thanks for the wonderfully wicked fun.

-A Fan

Welcome back dood

Dood be strong i know you can do this. when you feel sad just smile but tell you what dont smile when your with other people or they will think its creepy dood... just kidding, i wish you could move forward and stay strong dood bless you


I'm lipucd, maker of RPG Maker hentai games!
( also obsessive over Q-Bee )

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