Welcome back towards your normally lewd updates

It's been a long time coming, but HEROINE HUNTING is at last for sale!
It's pretty big news given the fact that I'm the one who ended up translating this game from Japanese -> English. If you're a fan of mo2's sprite animation and the like, it's worth a pick up for sure! I can only hope my translation can make it worth picking up as well if nothing else!

Onto other matters:
We are at last getting the 'Queen' Q-Bee images done and done! More less working with the MV environment in turn! Sadly I don't have much to show directly, as it's mostly a lot of experimenting with trying to display and change images in battle depending on the situation and not...getting far...Yet anyway!
Still, enjoy these teaser picks for what will be added into Project QB at a later date and time!

Otherwise yeah, I'm here still, still alive and well enough! A 'Thank you' goes out towards the kind person who shot me $10 out of the blue recently! Otherwise once I have something more solid to show off, expect it to hit here first!

Thanks of the Giving

It's been a while, and I need to get better at doing these, so here goes!

To start us off this update, retort on the PC issue from last time:
This is the new PC in full, working order. Let me assure you that i5 is quite a beast, and the 650's not a slouch in it's own right ether ( including that I work in 1080, but it comes from my old PC in turn ).

Getting steam back up and running was a snap, and I've got access towards VXAce once more, along with MV as well!

On that note, MV. Me and a few others have been ping ponging ideas and scripts around and fiddling with it's inner workings for a bit now, still nothing to really say on the matter, but once I get my own end of things done, I might shift on over towards that for some new projects. It'll be far easier to 'find' issues and the like and 'why' they are issues in the first place, more less between the hackjob of Ruby that RGSS3 is, and directly Javascript, it's a lot easier to work in. It also does mean people can pretty much play it on just about whatever, so if you wanted to do a session not directly in front of a hulking PC, and more the comfort of your bed, that will indeed be a valid option! ;3

Currently though I've gotten E-Mails back from 5 out of the 7 people I've sent CP's scripts towards on the entire matter I've been stressed out over. Sadly everyone's pulling outt as many blanks as I have, though I guess in some case that does feel a little reassuring in turn? Like I don't need to say just how bad it was getting, but my self esteem over the matter wasn't doing too good in turn. At least now I can go "It's not just me being an idiot, this is really just that damn complex and interweave where finding the issue is trying to find that one bent nail out of a few million."

Me and mo2 have been working out on some ideas though, and I think at least one seletive person who commented recently might enjoy the results:
I can't speak much on this ordeal JUST yet, but if all goes well, this is a teaser for one of the possible MV projects noted from earlier, more less just a general showing on how much mo2's improved over the year. On that note, once his newest game, Heroine Hunting, comes out, he'll be closing his current blog and starting a new one. Once he lets me on the skivvy, I'll update the main post on where to find him.

JLPT N3 is next month. I am in earnest, scarred. Shivering. Maybe that's just the recent snowfall and cold weather, but I can't say I feel very confident over the entire experience. Yeah, I've been doing all that I can to get a better and better grasp on Japanese as of late, using my DS's flashcart to hold a dictionary and some other tools in turn. Yet I still am rather scared of the entire process at hand. All I can do at this point though is hope for the best, that I'll pass, and with the cert I can at last get a job and get all this stress of being jobless and everything I shoot for slapping me back down on my ass in turn.

A few people had passed it along that I got called out on 4chan a week ago...and I gotta admit that all the points they put out where honestly true. I guess I should say I never felt like I was the 'best man for this job' in earnest. I started doing these projects partly because no one ELSE was, and I had people who seemed willing to support such ideas. It kinda shows too with how once the 'real work' and not just 'proof of concepts' started to get done that errors and issues a plenty started to crop up all over the damn place. All I can say to 'defend' myself in turn is I don't plan on giving up on these ordeals, no matter how much I get called a failure or I have to scrap and rebuild from the ground up another time. That...might not be much in the long and short of it, but it's about all I got as well that I can say with any honesty.

Beyond me ranting and rambling down, I again want to give my thanks towards everyone able to wait and hold out this long, giving their support while they can, and that everyone's able to have a good Thanksgiving this year in some shape or form!

Being dead would be easier to explain


Where do I even begin with the madness?

Let's start back in July, work our way down.

So, as most of you know, me and Croc where pushing to get done the new Egg Assault update. He cranked out the artwork for me in record time, and for once I was the one slogging along. Reason being was I was starting to have a lot of scripting issues with CP's ordeal, and I wasn't finding much ways to make them stop causing RPG Maker from breaking if you got a game over and reloaded a previous save or start a new game. While this brick wall kept me rather stuck, another friend let me know about the JLPT, or the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test. With that, I could at last get myself a job. Maybe. I've been running into enough dead ends job hunting as it is that something like that was a fucking light at the end of the tunnel.

SO, my hours last month was deliberating on scripts with who I could to try to solve this crashing issue at last, and maybe refine CP's scripts a bit more, while working with my Japanese friends on my, well, Japanese. I registered for the N3 level of the JLPT ( partly because the N4 wouldn't get me anything better then a teacher, and the N2 was WAY too technical to think about at my level of understanding. ). Perhaps I bit off more then I could chew, rather no, I did. By the end of August I was already becoming something of a mental wreck trying to cram years worth of Japanese into 4 months of study as I stated to fear for the worse on concepts and areas they would test me on. All the while I'm making even LESS progress with the scripting and my PC starts to have random Blue screens here and there.

I didn't think about the bluescreens, beyond letting friends know why I suddenly ended up offline randomly. I already had enough stress as it was, the PC ending up frizzing out one way or another was the last of my issues. Sadly it would be the last of my issues. Come October, PC at last dies. The RAM ports itself had started to go bad, and before I knew it the entire ordeal left me with only a single valid port left to work off of a 1GB DDR2 card. I figured "Well, I can at least still work on the game stuff and the like, let me just pop up the BIOS and have it do a quick scan thought on my parts"...that's when the worse happened. Doing the scan, PC just goes kaput. Try to reboot, only fans and nothing more. Total motherboard failure.

...At this point, I got a bit insane, loony, almost nearly killed myself. Thankfully Kirisha caught me while I was on skype via my backup laptop, and was able to send me enough cash to get a new one, no questions asked. I start to cheer up a bit, I recalled I had made the necessary back ups and move around way before this ordeal even happened, so all the game stuff was still safe and sound and accessible. I order a new tower ( from a phentom x4 1.8GHz -> i5 3.4GHz, DR2 -> DDR3, Vista -> Win7, and from 4 USB -> 8 ) wait for it to arrive...and it arrives as a dud. It too had a motherboard issue right out the door and I had to spend cash to ship it back.

So, where do we stand now? Me on this:shitty laptop
This thing bluescreens on youtube for crying out loud. There is SOME good news to come out of all this maddness thought, if anything.

1) I'm not dead, none of the projects are dead, everything is alive (well thought is subjective).
2) A recent Japanese friend of mine who developed QUITE the interesting RPG, gave me access towards the scripts they used for their projects. I can't really fiddle around too much with them currently, but overall this should be a far better boon then CP's ordeal has been for me thus far ( including that was becoming one step forward but two back... ).
3) Once I DO get my PC, it'll be a far better PC in turn. ( thought honestly if this laptop had more RAM, even this could be used for working on RPG Maker stuff beyond 2000/2003. As it stands thought booting Steam + RPG Maker ends up stressing this thing out by a lot for any extended amount of time. )
4) The translation stuff for mo2 is more or less done, and just needs a few people to check it over before I give it towards him, and an English DLSite release of Heroine Hunting can be in the near future.

That about sums everything up though. I wouldn't hold it over people for being tired of the delays, or the fact that I said it would be out by a time, and yet here we are and I don't have anything substantial to show for it. This last few months I've been fighting with my own self anyway to try to be useful, to be able to stand on my own two feet and not just work off of everyone else work in turn. I had hoped being able to fix CP's scripts would prove I could do that, that I could be useful by my own merits...but that ended up blowing up in my face harder then anything else, and really only made me feel more useless in turn. Add onto that the PC dying, and the stress over the JLPT, and well, I guess it was my own self made disaster. But I'm tired of not having a job nor able to get one for different reasons, and I'm tired of feeling like I'm chop liver or a leech who's going to be stuck depending on everyone for the rest of his life. I made a mistake thought in the process to fix that, so I gotta live with it and go on. As it stands, the new PC's not due back till the start of next month, so nothing's really going to happen till then.

HF3's got ing on me

Thought a few months without word I'm sure is getting vexing huh? Well a few things have at last cleared up in ways where I can talk on them, and show stuff off without fear of "maybes" or "not sure".


I'm sure by now many of you who have followed me, have seen the game mo2's been working on for the last 2 years in earnest. I am glad to say, that for it's English DLSite release, that 'Heroine Hunting' will have a fully translated version done by my hands. I've been working with mo2 and a few others these last few months on my Japanese comprehension, and understanding, to be able to give this the best possible results I could ever offer. It's one reason why I've kinda not had a lot to say, as a lot of this was training, and on a matter I couldn't quite say was going to even happen or not. So, I can only hope everyone can look forward towards that around August.

In other news, directly from Chaos Croc:


Update: "Dancing Bee Attack"
From a dimensional portal comes some unlikely allies in the forms of some rather popular heroines! Can they turn the tide against the Eggman Empire, or are they destined to serve and obey the evil doctor?


Q-Bee: Hailing from the dark Makai dimension, this bee is truly a queen to behold! Her sting will leave organics buzzing with excitement (and obedience).

Shantae: This half-genie hero is Ret-2-Go with her exotic moves, attacks, and one-liners! She's guarenteed to leave those evil robots in the scrap yard.

Makoto Nanaya: The wheel of fate has turned, and this squirrely beastkin is ready to rebel! If you thought her hits were painful, wait till you hear her puns.


Air Strike Probe: A floating ball of paralyzing effect. One zap from this little guy, and you'll be stuck fast, waiting for a conversion pod to drop down over top of you! Crack that pod and free your friend, or watch them become your enemy.

Egg Webber: This robotic spider is nothing to step on. Able to cocoon people from long distance, it's quite effective at immobilizing victims. And if it drags them over, it will bite, and slowly convert them into loyal slaves via nanomachines.


Character Selection: You can now select which three characters to use during your battle. Choose wisely, as you won't be able to switch once the battle begins.

Attack Waves: The enemies will now attack in waves, with breaks in between for dialogue, as well as...

Shopper Bot: ...a shop! Between waves, one of Croc's minions will allow you to purchase healing and attack items to use in battle. Just be careful, as it only appears between waves.

Soul Bee Conversion: Q-Bee can convert fellow organics into soul bee drones. While this will instantly heal them and refill their energy, it also removes their special abilities, replacing them with copies of Q-Bee's own.

Skip the Intro: You can now skip the intro and get right into the character select screen and fight.

ETA FOR UPDATE: August 2015
NEXT UPDATE: "Roboticizer Online"

...and that does things for now! Hope this lets people know that I'm not dead, and stuff's still moving!

Meet me live at C2E2

For those of you in the Chicago city area this upcoming weekend, I'll be attending C2E2 thanks towards a friend footing the bill for the ticket entry. In case anyone would like to meet up, chat more face to face, and up for doing stuff that Saturday, might as well toss up that little bit of info now! Sadly don't really have the ability to do anything special for it like make prints or the like, but if anyone who follows me would still like to meet, would be honored!

Still not dead, still not much to say

Posting this to scare away those ad's ( weird that I can't see them... ) more less to let everyone know still not dead, but still not much to say sadly!


I'm lipucd, maker of RPG Maker hentai games!
( also obsessive over Q-Bee )

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