Still Intermission

Croc doing a little image on my current status as of late.

We aren't dead, but stuff is kinda at a slowly crawling Ice Drift at this stage. Not much can be done about it, Holidays where kinda bumpy for everyone ( far more passing away's then I care to admit ), on top of stuff like MO2 at last recuperated enough to be out of hospital leave, but still recovering. We've also just been building up a bit of drive to hit the pavement running once we do, but we've got stuff being implemented bit by bit.

Latexity's been hard at work developing an assortment of sound samples, and a few animations for our current list of attacks. Next time you see Project: -QB-, it'll be far spiffier then you last recalled. ;3

Chaos Croc's been working on some stuff for Tyamet Chapter as well, people who've played the older demo's might recall this key ordeal, well it's been updated and enhanced, more less...someone else can use it as well?! What's up with that?! Answers later~

MO2 and I also did some doodling sessions together as of late, and he wanted me to share some of the work we've done. The Images is his work, while bereave it or not, the Japanese text is my handwork. If anyone wanted to question my ability to write/read Japanese, well this is the time. =w=

Otherwise all I can say is hang on for now, it's slow, I know not much of anyone ( myself most of all ) likes 'slow' with these projects, but that's where we lay ATM. I can only hope you guys keep your trust in us like you have up till now, and I'll do my best to keep you guys up front with what's going on, and any major updates if any. =3

ALSO: There's some people who missed the last few updates on Tyamet Chapter and the 'reward' for the older demo. This is the link towards the 'reward' I was emailing out doing the Easter event. You don't have to post the 'code' anymore guys and gals, as it's free for everyone! =D

A Breef Moment with Chaos Croc


Croc did a little something after my last post it seems to make sure everyone knew he wasn't dead ether. :P

Also Wishing to put out a 'Thank you' towards everyone who have been supporting me as of late. I'm doing better health wise, the coughing's slowly, but surly fading off, so huzzah! Those who have been supporting via donations ensured this month and last that we could even have something akin towards a holiday meal for both Thanksgiving and Christmas!

End of 2014 recap

I'm still alive. I'm sorry for the long periods of breaks, but they do indeed happen from time to time, including when I get engrossed with things. I figure today thought would be my best bet to go over what I have been up towards as of late.


-Recent been able to get back in touch with CP, the guy who pretty much provided me with the stepping stones necessary to even get all of this off the ground in the first place. He's doing A-OK, so if anyone has been worried about them, no fretting necessary!

-Networking a ton. If people have been poking at my Twitter, they might already know I've made quite a large surge of Japanese connections this last month. Mostly gamers, but there have been a few who will be assisting with the upcoming translation projects ( a majority of the quietness this time around ), more less new artwork as well.

-On that note,Raven, done by ZXC will be in, but the idea of them taking up and doing the Q-Bee artwork has fell flat, so I've since reverted back towards the ordeals MO2 has done since then.

-On that note, MO2 is back alive and kicking as ever from his back surgery. He's still getting a bit adjusted towards a working schedule once more, but he's already jumped back onto his Heroine Capture game, and doing stuff for me on the side. I'll chances are will have more to say on that following the New Year.

-One of the new artist, Beecon, actually tossed his hat into the ring with a few fun samples. I think you guys might like what they have done. Sadly they will not be a continuation of such, partly because of the large amount of work they would have to do, but I felt the work and quality too good to hold onto and not put out there somehow you know?

-I HAD wanted to get something out, before X-Mas, sadly that doesn't seem to be an option as much as I fiddle around with stuff. How I want the later half of Project: QB to work has made me rework the starting half to flow better into it, more less give the player more options to nab drones. The idea is going to be that randomly from fights ( that have drones at the start, not converted from your team ) you might rescue one from it's fate. It will give SOME sort of boon for those who end up fighting, as right now it's far more 'dodge everything, hit objectives, hope to get out'. I still do want that a bit, but I also know the player reserves are going to run dry utterly fast otherwise without something to balance that out.

-Croc...Has been Croc. I don't think I should, nor need, to say much more then this.

-....Admittedly I chances are could have gotten more done, more less a release on time if I didn't partake in some of the recent gifts I was given as of late. BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend is chances are the best example of "Good Idea, Bad Idea" as "Good idea as I love fighting games. Bad idea as my working habits for a week plummeted". I can't really give a good excuse beyond "I played a game rather non stop after I was given it, and now I kinda have to admit towards it".

-In "Games much like my own" news, Malise and the Machine is looking like to be a developing winner I've got to admit. Scripting to enhance and improve on RPG Maker VX's limitations, more less doing an ATB style battle system with very similar content and material that I'm doing with my own games. I'll admit I've got a lot to learn with them, but I would check out their recent vid, and if you like what you see, give them some support. I'm getting the vibe that they MIGHT just be worth it a bit more then me. XD

Not too sure on the next news update honest. Networking and the like is helpful as it gets me more hands on the ready, and more eyes over my work, but in turn doesn't really offer much in chatting up here unless there's some solid guarantee's or material I can shoot up in turn. Once a new build of Project: QB's ready, I'll chances are post again, thought I couldn't say 'when' that would be. Again, I'm having to rework the start again, and that in turn changes some core events and the like, more less figuring out how I'm going to path it all in full. Tyamet Chapter will have news when it will have news, thought I'm not quite holding my breath on this one. Croc's been burning past what I can only guess a lot of backlog stuff as of late, and as such time for other things has been rather null.

Good news, Great news, and News news.

Well, lets start from the top and work our way down shall we?

-Figured out what's been making me so ill, the people under us have been smoking to hell and back over the last few months, and the build up of second hand smoke has been getting towards me. I've never been able to handle cigarette, tobacco, or other kinds of smoke since I was little, so having a forever lingering ordeal that I didn't even pick up till being out of the house for a day or two, and then coming back and picking up on it let me know what was really up, and why stuff like medication and the like has done almost nothing for me.

-To fix said illness, a friend was nice enough to invest in an air purifier for me, and after using it today I gotta say I already am coughing far less, and when I do, far less extreme at that! Yeah, that sounds like the 'passive aggressive' way of solving the issue, and it kinda is! Sadly the landlord doesn't have anything in the lease saying they can't smoke, nothing they are smoking is illegal, and I would need a doctor's note to legally say their smoking is causing me health issues, something that would be a few hundred dollar's investment into making a few people mad at me for stopping their 'fun'. The air filter was like 1/10 of a doctor's visit, and they don't even have to know I invested in it, so huzzah!

-I've taken a lot of suggestions on Egg Assault so far and started working on editing it around a bit. What I hope it'll have once I'm done with it all is: A way to 'watch' the transformation even when everyone is captured. An option to skip the story outright. Some more attack options for the player/foes. New monster type that can spawn in place of the egg capture machine. New status effect. An option to pick and choose your team.
Some of that was already in the groundwork of the release version if a few keen people picked up on a few selective skills! Croc's got an idea as well for new players to be added towards it, but I'll go into detail about that another post.

-Project: -QB- is seeing some strides, and a new release I would say isn't too far off, including with my improving health at last. Tyamet Chapter's waiting on a few key segments to be done before implementing and release. Codename: Progressive might see a X-Mas release of it's grand return if all goes well. I've been pretty quiet about that one for sure, if only because Tyamet Chapter and Project QB have both been learning experiences for me, and taking what I have learned and refining it for Codename, as it'll be the biggest project of them all, has been pretty key. Only thing is that a lot of ideas have been added, scrapped, replaced or redone all together. If I had kept you guys noted on all of that, I could only figure how much the hype would overpower the released content. I've already seen that kind of stuff happen with Project X and the like, where teased information builds hype, that soon enough snowballs out of control if a release doesn't follow shortly afterwords. So I've been wanting to still give you guys heads up, but trying to avoid that pitfall if I can.

Croc's genderbent for that game is something he's had for a while. So if you think the design's kinda stupid, you can always tell him personally! I'll be working on the intro skip thought as that's an utterly easy fix.

@U.N. Owen
Yup! The password is for the included .rar, and it says exactly what you chances are think it says. Apparently a few people had issues with the .rar format thought, so I might just do a .zip next time, even if it's got worse compression ratios. ( I might then need to host my uploads on something other then dropbox, I've been able to get away with it OK for now as the files are small enough to not hit the bandwidth cap fast enough in a day, but higher compression head will lead towards that not being the case with other games with the same boons... )

@Everyone else
Thanks a ton for the kind words and support! I have to say, it's kinda rad to know people in Taiwan, Germany, Japan, and elsewhere are all playing the stuff I'm making in my spare time, more less ENJOYING what I'm making at that and want to see more! So yeah, mega thanks towards everyone for the support thus far!

Full Game: Egg Assault

I'm pretty dead typing this, ended up overdosing on ibuprofen when I shouldn't have for headaches, ended up a vomiting and weakened mess and a half from this flu bug that just refuses to leave me already, and this sickness has been a few weeks ongoing for those close towards me know!

But this page grew dark for too long, and I'm glad I can at last brighten it up!

Might I introduce a little secret small project me and Chaos Croc put together, primarily as a "Getting a basic game done in short order" and also as a small birthday gift for Kirisha Raptor who's done both me and Croc a good turn of favor over the last...I want to say 5~6 yeas knowing them!

This game is pretty simple, you're objective is to fight off an endless wave of robots without being captured and brainwashed by them! Simple right?

Using Chaos Croc, Tails-Ko, and Crisis, it's a 'small' game weighting at only 1 visual status effect in battle, and about 20 images total used, 10 of such used in battle. There's also an included .rar file that has the high rez source files I used to work and convert these images for game usage, but you'll have to play decently enough to nab the password for it. ;3

You can nab the game from right here
As always, you'll need the RPG Maker VX Ace RTP to be able to play it.

Progress Update 20


This last week's been far more productive then I know how to say, but I've wanted to hold back saying anything till I was really ready to open this can of worms fully. For starters you who follow me on pixiv might notice a new face suddenly doing images about and linking towards my workblog, and today I would like to officially welcome ZXC into our folds, making the team for Project QB now have: 2 English, 1 Japanese, and 2 Taiwanese.

....Yes, 2 Taiwanese, as not only has ZXC joined, one more has too:冬蟲夏草

Saiseliya, a friend of ZXC, has too joined us adding new content and material towards the game. This is turn has turned what was going to be a semi simple project, into a full sized ordeal! =O

bor2.gifback object2bor3.gif

Of course, MO2 couldn't help but get some more work done, even with his own project in the works ATM.

...and ZXC teasing a bit of a soon to be title screen of sorts ;3

On Tyamet Chapter:
-ChaosCroc's wanted to add a bit more towards the game, and has 'selective' things planned for the next 2 demo's before final release, as such I'm actually asked to hold off releasing anything else till he's done with his stuff! @w@;;; If wondering why the demo didn't get out earlier this week after getting help to snuff out the last bug from last time, this is why. I WOULD say more, but I've also been asked to not...@w@;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

As such, for now, Project QB's chances are going to see another demo before Tyamet Chapter. >w>;;; Otherwise this has been a recap of the week!


I'm lipucd, maker of RPG Maker hentai games!
( also obsessive over Q-Bee )

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