Sorry for the delay, but here's the updated demo as promised!
Download Demo 0.2So a few changes towards how things work:

For starters The Queen Q-Bee get's her first 'EX' attack, special attacks that only she gets to use. This one being 'QJ', that shall help gum up and stop a single foe for acting for a bit. A new move for everyone is 'Charge', letting you get a lot of ES, and some EX back if you allow yourself to be stunned for a turn doing such. Monsters have seen a drop in overall HP, and should be far easier to fight off. In turn, right now you will chances are beat a battle before an effect has any real chance to stack high. I'm currently still adjusting balance around this, but I think for now it's good enough for public testing?
Otherwise the slime and latex fights are now playable, but lead towards a 'Game Over' directly on loss ( No sprite animation for such yet after all ). Give it a spin and let me know how you guys enjoy such!
With this release though, I'm chances are going to get back to work on
Project: -Croc- for now and try to get that finished up. So while I would like feedback, I'm just going to say for now that any new updates towards Project: -QB- will be delayed till -Croc- is ether done, or at least ready enough for public builds.
Topic : Hentai game
Genre : AdultContents
Still find it impossible to pass the first battle. The issue is that their mental control spells just take over fully. You loose your first bee, and then you get flooded over and over by mental changes, and suddenly have no actions because the queen is totally controlled and just hit over and over again.
I have done this eight times now with the same impact each time.
lovely graphics and idea - just so far impossible to move ahead.
> Hi,
> Still find it impossible to pass the first battle. The issue is that their mental control spells just take over fully. You loose your first bee, and then you get flooded over and over by mental changes, and suddenly have no actions because the queen is totally controlled and just hit over and over again.
> I have done this eight times now with the same impact each time.
> lovely graphics and idea - just so far impossible to move ahead.
I kinda wonder if you are just spamming the 'Attack' command or 'auto' function >w>;;;
But here's a VERY easy way to cheese the first fight. Have everyone do 'Charge' on your first turn. Then on your next, have everyone keep spamming 'SxP' till dead. Insta win right there. Heck, due towards the 'Queen' attacking twice and far stronger then normal drones, she can just attack, build ES, and then use 'SxP' without needing to use 'Charge'. Also 'QJ' will disable an foe for a while, disallowing them to attack or do anything else ( as long as you don't hit them ). Try that out next time?
The first fight is PAINFULLY easy now.
strangely enough I find current version easy. Those dots kinda die fast. 250 total damage in first turn pretty much half hp. Charge seems kinda abusive maybe instead of stun level up current status effects, to make it less abusive.
Also that you can "Assist" yourself is kinda rules. Xp. Probably remove heal from it 50-90% is pretty large number to varrant it's use.
SxP attack is not kinda usefull in first encounter till you lower enemy count: at least to 2- tends to spread damage). But it is ok for tentacle and doll encounters, I think.
30% chance Stun ability seems not particulary usefull for it's cost.
Poison seems to add extra damage worth of attack.
Dolls also do larger damage at highier lvls of corruption which is nice. At least hp not as useless.
> strangely enough I find current version easy. Those dots kinda die fast. 250 total damage in first turn pretty much half hp. Charge seems kinda abusive maybe instead of stun level up current status effects, to make it less abusive.
> Also that you can "Assist" yourself is kinda rules. Xp. Probably remove heal from it 50-90% is pretty large number to varrant it's use.
> SxP attack is not kinda usefull in first encounter till you lower enemy count: at least to 2- tends to spread damage). But it is ok for tentacle and doll encounters, I think.
> 30% chance Stun ability seems not particulary usefull for it's cost.
> Poison seems to add extra damage worth of attack.
> Dolls also do larger damage at highier lvls of corruption which is nice. At least hp not as useless.
I'll chances are boost the stun chance then, though if that's the case I might also increase the ES cost. ( otherwise you can just stunlock something to death )
Charge I'm still not sure about. The health recovery bit was a last second thing to just toss out there and test to see if it would be easier or not. I'll chances are remove it once I have more player skills created.
SxP gets better with less foes yeah. The idea though is that it's suppose to be random ( SxP is Q-Bee's rapid stinger attack that works like Chun-Li's thunder legs as a ref ). The poison from DeltaA is made to be good, hence the high ES cost to use it. Yeah, the latex dolls get higher and higher chance to cause 'masturbation' on your as well on higher corruption, so don't let it grow TOO much or you'll end up screwed fast! X3
changing stun to paralyze non stacking status effect for 2-3 turns which has high chance to apply but gives same 30 or 20% chance to stop attack may work too.(upping cost if neccessary) Status effects should be either rather reliable to be usefull.(chance to stop effect attack bringing is use full but not when there are other things to do.
Optionally giving 50% resistance for reaplying effect in battle like in ff5 could help make plenty of usefull and reliable effects for characters. and not go this effect is op because you may perma do(insert thing of your choice)